
lentils and pesto


Yet another job I got rejected for. Didn't get to smoke weed for about a month for no reason.

I got a job.

A real shit job.

But I am going to start going there high and maybe it will make me have a better day.

Or at least bringing a pencil thin J with me in case my day gets too hard.

One of the few jobs in the world that does not give a piss test anymore.

And you can tell by the people who work there.

If you can call most of them “people”.

Zombie addict morality smugglers, maybe.

Non-english-speaking coke trafficking BMW driving dick smokers, perhaps.

Don't know why drug addiction is not a valid life choice.

It makes you feel great.

For awhile.

For awhile.

But it costs too much money.

Doesn't pay enough after taxes.

But like retail is so fucking great.

A pantsuit and tie don't fly in my hood unless you are selling the

Book of Mormon.

Gonna start lying on all my applications.

Give my husband's number as my job.

I knew I didn't take his name when we got married for a reason.

This will be an interesting sociological experiment.

Let's see if my great powers of bullshitting will land me a better job.

I do know how to use all the corporate sponsored computer programs and wear a bra.

Let's see who's the maid now.

I am just going to start speaking my mind instead of being polite.

Polite does not count for anything in this society anymore.

Politeness is for asking for more ass-rape from your banking institution.

Start hoarding weapons

living off peach green tea and popcorn.

Court soon.

Bankrupt soon.

Got lots of socks and vinyl LPs.

Got two bikes without tires and

chilly knees.

Hee hee.

4:15 PM - Monday, Dec. 14, 2015


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