
family depression

My mom went on some stupid Disney cruise with one of my brothers and his wife and left my dad all alone on X-mas. He can't leave the house, can barely make it from one room to another without getting hurt, and now he's out of bananas.

He is living with 36 years of Multiple Sclerosis in his body and now he's all alone on his favorite holiday.

I wish I had known this was going to happen, I may have made an effort to go visit him for a week. Somehow. No car, no money, no much of anything. Almost 400 miles away. It's a hard thing for me to manage. But if I knew I would have a week off and he was going to be alone, I would have made it work.

We sent cookies but they won't get there until tomorrow. It may help cheer him up a little, but it's not a replacement for real food and human companionship.

I am really pissed off at my mom right now. I don't know why she would leave him alone like that, knowing he can barely take care of himself. Not even line someone up to come check on him or anything.

I hope when I get old and disabled that my husband won't treat me like a piece of shit.

This is so fucked up. Merry Fucking Christmas to you too, BITCH!

It's shit like this that makes me glad I'm not a Christian. Because if this is how Christians treat each other, then I don't want any part of that fucked up religion.

4:09 PM - Friday, Dec. 25, 2015


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