
end of story

My brother thinks he can get the city to change their mind on where exactly the sidewalk is going to go. I don't think we can, however we may be able to sue them later.

It's a pretty small comfort to me. But it may be something. This is one of those situations where I have to tell myself that it could always be worse.

Someday, maybe, I'd like to be able to tell myself that it doesn't get any better, but realistically, things just keep getting worse and worse.

We are going to lose our off-street parking as well. They are going to throw the sidewalk right over the driveway, and the only way to park in the driveway will be to block the sidewalk.

This sidewalk will be too close for comfort to the property, but there's not much I can do about it except try to move and save my plants.

I barely sleep now. Every night is just nightmare after nightmare about city workers raping everything in site.

I found a psychologist that is willing to do a phone interview with me, but he has a wait list of 7 months. I'm hoping by then I will just be able to not care about anything anymore.

They destroy the northwoods, they burn the rainforests, I don't see why my little part of the earth should be free of trouble and pain. That's what humans are, and that's what humans create.

9:58 AM - Thursday, May. 18, 2023


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