
a senior moment

I know there's nothing wrong with getting older. It happens. Deal. But it's still such a shock to me when I come across these people that I remember from the 90s and now they are old. And it's weird. The passing of time is weird. Maybe it's because I have limited my access to media that it just strikes me in the face. I haven't seen pictures of these people in decades and then there they are, large as life.

Like this interview by Dan Rather with Adam Horovitz and Kathleen Hanna. Grey, wrinkly old people that sound like their dentures are falling out of their mouth. I remember watching Dan Rather on the evening news when I was a little kid. In the middle of horrible wars in Guatamala and Bosnia with his little multi pocket jacket and bombs blasting behind him. And of course it goes without saying how much I used to listen to Bikini Kill and Beastie Boys in my youth. You can see the interview here:


I think for some reason my brain is stuck in the 1990s. I was just thinking about this the other day. And then I see this interview and it's freaking me out some. The 1990s are so long ago now, but I feel stuck there. And it's making my life really difficult. Maybe it's because of my limited life experience. My lack of having to be a "real adult". I've gotten away with avoiding a real shitload of responsibility my entire life. Inside I mostly feel like a teenager still.

Not on days when my body is acting up or I take a moment to look in the mirror. I'm a grey, wrinkly old lady on the outside, too. I don't know what any of this means. It's just a moment to pause and think I guess

3:37 PM - Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022


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