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Forced myself to go for a walk. It's nice enough here I guess. I can walk around listening to music in headphones and feel totally safe. There's a nice park not far away. It's a decent loop. Home, to the park, sit there awhile, back home. Iowans sure do like their lawn statues.

My legs and shoulders feel all rubbery and weak. I wonder how much of my physical issues are just lack of exercise? Need more oxygen to my muscles. Need more fresh air. Need to not be a mouse potato and get off the computer.

I try to limit myself to a few hours a day now. Just like any addiction, it's making me anxious, uptight. Bought some blue light glasses for the little time I do spend online.

Taking Vitamin D now. The only thing my doctor said to do. Doesn't feel any different.

I miss my home. I know it was rotten, everyone was demented, sick, sadistic. My house was falling apart. The war on nature there was on the front lines. All my friends were addicted. I feel sick missing it. I'm sure it doesn't miss me. No one misses me.

I go to the park here and see the big trees. It's nicer than any city park almost anywhere I've been. Ate some chocolate when I got home. Felt suicidal. Put in some laundry. Move it along.

3:13 PM - Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022


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