
ghetto dairy blaster

Day two of antibiotics for my sinus/ ear infection. So far I'm not dead. This time I got sick from cleaning the basement. My husband has it too, is taking the meds too.

How many years in a row now have I gotten sinus/ ear infections and needed medicine? Two, three, four? I don't remember. Enough times that I bought a load of black market meds from India so I could just skip the doctors' office visit and just get the drugs.

My husband spent most of this morning trying to get his Medicare RX numbers. STILL trying to get all his cards and numbers back from when he got mugged in July. All we are now is numbers. Many different numbers. We should all just have tattoos on our arms with our numbers on them...

Too soon?

Yeah, it's not funny, but the correlation is definitely there. People just accept it and so everything just keeps going on like it is.

Whatever "it" may be.

1:21 PM - Wednesday, Feb. 03, 2021


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