
no sleep

I can't believe how many youtube videos there are where a woman shows you what she bought at a thrift store. Takes you on a tour of her "boho" bedroom. Or does a makeup or hair tutorial.

I am feeling like my gender is so shallow, boring, manipulative, and unintelligent. All women are not sitting around waiting for some rich guy to knock them up and marry them, right?

This just means I have spent too much time on the internet lately. It's very easy to procrastinate by watching videos on youtube, but I really think I am scraping the bottom of the barrel.

One last irritation, is how many people purposefully redecorate their home. I always thought people's homes were a collection of things they liked, had sentimental value attached to, or functional items that everyone who lives inside uses.

But I learned recently that there are people out there that pick a "style" of decorating, get rid of most of their belongings, go mega shopping for all new ones that fit their new theme, and then live in that theme until the next trend comes along.

It's disturbing to see how "normal" people live. So much of what most people do is meaningless. Totally and completely meaningless... It's disturbing to see how many people don't need their lives to mean anything.

1:53 AM - Monday, Sept. 30, 2019


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