----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a bigot and mean spirited cunt The reason there's no vegan day parade is cuz they would shoot us in the street en masse. Throw pig's blood on us. Exterminate us all. My father-in-law is some sort of trans-gender now. He's taking estrogen pills and getting tits and shaving his face every day. It's ridiculous. He looks creepy. It pisses me off that he thinks being a woman is all about wearing make up and frilly clothes. There are women with beards out there, they just live in the circus or something. He's in his 60s and he will never know the pain and inconvenience of having a monthly bitch visitor. Of having blood soak through your pad and underwear and pants and having to walk around school all day like that. Of cramps and mood swings and feeling like you want to die. Never mind that he's not having a baby. I'm not either. That's not a requirement for being a woman. Neither is having a period, I know. There are some lucky cunts out there that don't get them. But I'm just sayin... I feel bad for people who can't accept the body nature gave them and make it all work. I really do believe things happen for a reason. Why does the medical industry think they can "fix" everything. Maybe things are OK the way nature intended. And the pills are making him sick. He's been in and out of the hospital about 12 times in 6 weeks. Why is it worth it? And what's even weirder (to me) is that he claims he's still into women. He is a lesbian trapped in a man's body. Really? WTF. He's a chick with a dick right now and it gives me the creeps. I want to be supportive and I would never say anything to hurt his feelings, but personally, I just don't get it. And my husband is just beyond annoyed. I am just glad that his dad waited to do this shit when he was old and not being an active parent. This is all the rage now. Trans-gender. It's acceptable. They are a protected class of people. There are reality TV shows about these freaks. Good for them. But I can't wonder why it's such a fad right now. It is a chemical imbalance brought on by GMO food or glyphosate poisoning? Too much agent orange in the wheat? Is society leaning toward some weird androgynous form like aliens? I am all for people being happy and who they want to be. As long as they aren't hurting anyone but themselves, what do I care? And I really don't care. It's just not something I can understand. I guess I am glad that I just ignored all those fuckers in my youth who tried to tell me I was gay because I didn't wear make up or frilly clothes. Because I am not. I don't fit into the stereotype of what a woman should be in this country, and for a long time the peer pressure was to either conform and try to look like a supermodel or be a dyke. But I just stopped listening. I know who I am and other people's opinion's don't matter. Society will not twist me into what they think I should be one way or another. I went through a lot of shit when I was younger because I wasn't a generic female. Now a days they might call me gender dysphoric and ruin my life. Leave the kids alone! If old men want to become old women, that's another story, but to change yourself before you are even done developing is fucked up. Young people change their mind so often. They should change their minds often. It's part of growing up. Guess I'm annoyed and angry. I feel like it's all a step backward. It's sad. Really sad. That people let themselves suffer inside and think changing the outside will make any fucking difference. Society is so shallow. But well, I don't know. I don't care. Just wish there was a vegan pride parade and we had some motherfucking rights too. 12:18 PM - Thursday, Jul. 23, 2015 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |