
the hat man

I guess kids nowadays are purposefully overdosing on Benadryl to trip out, often to see "the hat man" (shadowman). I guess this is a common hallucination people have on diphenhydramine. I also learned today that Benadryl is in the same class as the plant Datura. I have never messed with or wanted to mess with Datura, but it grew all over the place in Denver.

This morning I woke up and my first thought was, Why is it when we move to Colorado, there are always riots? They blamed us in Denver for the BLM riots because we were from Minnesota. Seriously. People said that to me. And when we lived in Boulder there were riots on the hill.


I do take Benadryl to help me sleep. But only ever one pill. And never two nights in a row. Ever since I stopped being able to smoke weed, I have had crippling anxiety and poor sleep. I don't like to take it, but sometimes I just need to actually rest. I also do have allergies. I was actually prescribed an antihistamine for my anxiety awhile back ( a different one).

When I worked at the hotel, early on, I was taking 6 Benadryl every day just to curb my anxiety and be able to go to work. I took 3 in the morning and 3 at lunchtime. I stopped because it not only started to not work as well, it made me sick to my stomach. And I knew it wasn't good for me. Then I went to a doctor and they gave me anti-depressants and that just started the long decent of trying big pharma and having big pharma fuck me over...

Nowadays, I don't like to take it because not only does it make me feel doped up all the next morning, but I always have freakish dreams. Often I dream of people or things trying to get into the house, and if I wake up at all, I think I am seeing Shadowmen in the hallway. I also often have dreams that things are trying to suck my brains out of the top of my head, and I can actually feel it. I can often have sleep paralysis from Benadryl, which is not fun.

Kids are taking such a high dose that they are killing themselves. That's pretty awful. I can't imagine a parent waking up to find their kid dead from a legal OTC that they innocently had in the house and totally unaware that their kid was abusing and why.

I think it's weird that I often am seeing shadowmen while on one pill of Benadryl. And it's weird that is a common hallucination. I obviously am sensitive to the drug, and don't need to take 700+ mg of it to see creepy supernatural beings.

Maybe it's not a hallucination. People taking other drugs often have similar experiences with supernatural beings. People on mushrooms seeing gnomes, people on Ayahuasca seeing worker elves, etc...Maybe this Datura/ diphenhydramine type of chemical opens the doorway to the realm of the "hat man" or it alters us enough for them to take notice of us.

Either way, I am seriously reconsidering my use of this OTC. I do not like to see shadowmen, even in a dream. Maybe it wasn't a dream. Maybe it was some sort of astral projection. I sure don't want to invite them into my reality.

I used to never take any OTCs or medications. Maybe I should make more of an effort to use natural remedies. I have chamomile tea every single night before bed now, maybe I should just make it two cups and cut out the antihistamines.

It's very interesting, for sure. But it is pretty awful that kids are killing themselves just to get a buzz. In my day it was Robo-tripping on Robitussin cough syrup. You can say it's just the nature of kids to be curious, but I can't help but feel these events are signs of a pretty sick society.

A really weird society, for sure

4:06 PM - Monday, Feb. 26, 2024


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