
I'll tell you where the bomb is for one dollar

My niece reposted something about a lady whose kids had a bomb threat at school.

The daughter wrote "I love you mom and dad" on her arm in case the "bad guy" killed her, so her parents would know she loved them.

And the parent kept going on an on about how it was heartbreaking that part of her daughter's innocence was lost and how angry she was at modern life.

And I just sat there thinking:

1. We had bomb threats ALL THE TIME when I was in school. Every two, three months. Maybe more. There was NEVER bomb. Usually it was a kid that didn't want to go to school that called it in. I knew a few kids that called them in, or at least they claimed to. We all got the day off. We were all happy. We all went back to school the next day and life went on.

2. This mom should have taken this opportunity to talk to her kids about real vs. perceived threats instead of perpetuating their fears. She should have put down her phone, stopped taking photos of her kid's arm, and been a parent instead of posting a bunch of bullshit that is now going viral. If she doesn't talk to her kids, they will be the kind of adults that have to light up every corner of their yard all night long because they are scared of what MIGHT be out there.

3. That my niece is really young, yet she has 4 kids, and if she keeps spreading this shit around on the Internet, things will not get better for anyone. Why did she share this? It really bothered me for some reason.

I know if I were to say anything, the comeback would be "You don't have kids and can't understand."


But I used to be a kid, and we had bomb threats as a regular part of school, and I never cried and worried I was going to die. Maybe it's just me. Maybe times were different back then and people weren't so paranoid about every little thing.

Life happens. Safety is always an illusion. You deal with what life hands you. You try to be smart about it. You move on.

Maybe that's cold, but so is real life.

It seems to me that everyone in America is scared to death about things that don't exist and they don't give a shit about the real threats that are breathing down their neck.

1:14 PM - Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019


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