
just lie down and die

"The metaphysical reason behind sinus infections is repressed anger: someone close to you is irritating you."

Gee, wonder who that could be?

Day two of antibiotics here. Had to literally fight a doctor to get a prescription. Standing in the entryway of the clinic screaming at her, asking her why is she so stupid? I can't even go into it, this is not health care. The things I have to go through, no one should have to go through.

Giving me two different prescriptions I am allergic to shows total negligence on her part. Discussing my medical issues in public is just illegal.

I didn't like doctors before. I fucking hate them now.

So, how long before the drugs work? I'm not dead yet, so I guess they finally gave me something I wasn't allergic to.

I just want to feel better. I'll try pretty much anything at this point.

I am trying to think positively. I am getting better. I am getting better.

Only, it's not working yet, because I'm not.

If these drugs don't work, I'm going to fast and try Ayahuasca again. That purges pretty much anything out of your body.

Including anger.

10:26 AM - Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018


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