
happy in galoshes

I called the hospital today so I could work out a payment plan on my bill. I was expecting a $40 bill but it was $159. That is more money than I have in my checking account.

I applied for financial assistance but was told it could take at least 30 days so I wanted to at least call and work something out so I didn't get threatening letters, collection agents calling the house, etc... These hospitals are like pit bulls. They never let go until you're dead.

And even then, they'll go after your loved ones.

Long story short, I was told I had a balance of zero and my financial assistance was approved at 100%. I haven't gotten any confirmation of this in writing, but the customer service person told me this, and both the automated balance report AND the person I spoke to said zero balance, so I'm going to believe it.

This makes me really thankful. And happy, I guess. As happy as I get anymore. Not having to pay for the torture I had to go through at the doctor makes it a little less traumatic.

It's pretty rare when I get any good news. This year has been total and complete shit. Every day that I don't go out the garage and hang myself is a real shock.

Honestly, I'm too tired to even put the effort into that.

Honestly, I'm resolved to the fact that things will never get better.

I have called pretty much every therapist in town that I can get hold of. No one is accepting new patients. Either all the people in this town are lazy (like, Alaska lazy) or everyone in this town is fucked in the head. Or both.

First thing in life is, you can't count on anyone but yourself.

Second thing in life is, the time when you need someone the most, is the time you most certainly will be all alone.

3:36 PM - Thursday, Apr. 27, 2023


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