
I fucking hate doctors.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I don't know why I keep going back when they don't do anything for me. I went last February and I'm still sitting here trying to diagnose myself, trying all sorts of vitamins, still having tremors every night, not sleeping, and my anxiety just can't take this wondering. I stopped drinking, I cut out coffee, I am making efforts to get more exercise, I'm trying to eat better...nothing is making any difference.

So, we will see. At least it's a different nurse. Probably she'll just tell me I'm getting old.

That's what they told me back in MN when I had a sinus infection and needed antibiotics a few years ago.

I doubt they say that sort of bullshit to men. You're just getting old, honey, that's why _____ (fill in the blank).

That's right, I am a hypochondriac looking for some attention and there is absolutely nothing wrong with me, and I'm just wasting everyone's time and I should just die.

Most of the time it seems Western medicine can offer you drugs, or nothing.

I just hope I don't get too pissed off at getting treated like shit tomorrow. I don't know why I always get the short straw with these "professionals". Even when I do my best to fake being the ideal patient, they treat me like shit.

3:38 PM - Monday, Dec. 05, 2022


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