

My husband went out for smokes at 6 pm and never came back.

Is he hurt, dead, in the hospital, in the mental ward?

Did he just take all the drugs and have a great time?

Did he just leave me?

This is so fucked.

I can hear the tear gas being launched from my apartment every night and the news helicopters have been circling almost 24-7 for 4 days now. It's a war zone, and my husband is out there. He left his phone here to charge, so I have no way to know where he is.

I spent most of the night texting with my friend BigK back in Roch. And he thinks it's silly for me to worry. I don't know what's wrong with men. But, he's freaking out because they are making him clean up his apartment, he can't food shop for himself, so what's wrong with his head?! And finally he says it sucks when you "find your polar opposite and they are in a committed relationship thing".

Yeah. Maybe so maybe not.

And I offered to move back there to help him out and I think I mean it. Yes, I am so stupid as to trade one crazy person that can't care for themselves for another. Because then I don't have to take care of myself.

9:05 AM - Monday, Jun. 01, 2020


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