
Big K

It's gotten so cold here in the last day. It's spitting snow rain fog mist. 50 MPH wind gusts. I went out to buy cat food today and the register asked me if I wanted to help save a homeless pet. Yes, yes I do. Almost all I've been able to think about the past few days is my friend sleeping out there in the woods. He had some bike accident and gashed up his leg, apparently. He ran into my husband at the gas station when husband ran out to get rolling papers. He asked for a blanket. He came over, smoked some weed, cleaned up his leg (that he probably should have gone to the hospital for) took the blanket and left. I honestly don't know what the fuck is wrong with this guy. We've known this psycho for 20 years, and I don't understand a single thing about him. I have wanted to go searching around town for him to let him know that he can stay in our 16 room house instead of freezing to death out in the woods, but I haven't done it. And I don't know why, exactly. I am hoping he's found himself some new hoochie momma to stay with. He tends to shack up with women for as long as they let him. He's had a lot of girlfriends, I think. He hasn't asked to stay here, so I haven't offered. I am so worried about him flipping out because he's insulted. It's crazy, I know. I think survival should be more important than pride, but who can tell. After everything and all this time, I don't think he likes me, even though he has never said anything to indicate he doesn't like me. And for some reason I really want him to think I'm a good person. Even though we all know that I am not. I think I need to find a better class of gentlemen to associate with. The kind that aren't totally fucking insane drug addicts. I can't save them all. I can't save anyone.

3:56 PM - Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019


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