
revolutionary leaflets

Busy day, getting ready for yet another solo trek down to my hometown. Ran around doing errands all morning. Now I'm chilling, catching up on emails, watching some Redacted Tonight.

Lee Camp is doing his comedy thing in the cities next month, but I probably won't go. Just too much going on. Although I did buy his last comedy special and I wasn't sure what to expect, but I laughed the entire hour. He just cracks me up. Oh well. I hear he's really into the after show meet and greet thing. And it would be hard not to hang around for that. He's absolutely totally lick-able, so I'll just keep him as my celebrity crush fantasy for now and spare myself acting like a fangirly fool.

I've played the fool enough for this lifetime.

Yesterday I couldn't wait to get away from this place, this life, this relationship, this mindset, this everything.

Now that it's almost here, I'm nervous, and I just want to hunker down, eat corn chips, and smoke weed.

Yeah, I'm just as fucked as the one I love.

We just bought a copy machine. Really, I mean...WTF?

Screaming fights, obligations, closing savings accounts, divorce lawyers, and then a copy machine.

4:30 PM - Monday, Jun. 24, 2019


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