
two hour walk VS ten minute drive

Took my husband out to suburbia to buy a new bass guitar. I think our count of bass guitars is up to 4 now.

Waiting for him to come out of the house with the new bass, I sat in our car looking at the little wooded strip behind these gigantic houses and I wondered how long it would be there before they tore it all down to build more giant houses.

They are clearing these last remaining wooded areas all over town. Next to the housing, in the parks, along the bike paths next to the chain grocery stores. Thinning out the woods so you can see right through them to the other side. It's a shame.

I sat there looking at the trees and I bet no one ever goes in those woods. Perfectly good fucking woods and no one goes in them ever. And I mean that literally. Perfect woods to fuck in. Daydreaming about finding a secluded spot to have sex up against a tree was pretty much the only thing keeping me from a panic attack while I was waiting.

When it warms up, I love to go into these sort of little strips of woods at night, right next to all these suburban monstrosities and fuck like animals while these creepy white bread white people sit in their creepy homes watching the news, surrounded by off-gassing furniture and sterile store bought wall art, totally oblivious to everything around them. Perfectly good fucking woods all around and there's never anyone in them.

Partly it's the the primal relaxation of just being in nature, partly and maybe most importantly, the reaffirmation that I would rather be homeless than turn into whatever it is that these people have become in order to afford these giant ugly tasteless houses.

When we got home I had a full blown panic attack. Not only am I not used to driving, but those kind of neighborhoods really make me uncomfortable. Always have, always will. I'd rather be in the woods any day. Even alone, at night, wandering around with no clue how to get home. I feel so much more vulnerable and helpless in the sterile sod lined “no outlet” streets of Shittown, USA.

I don't think I'd last a week in one of those neighborhoods anyway before they home-invaded me and lynched me on a tree. If there were any trees left.

4:05 PM - Saturday, Mar. 30, 2019


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