
eminent domain

the city wants to put in a sidewalk. and they are making us move our fence, and I have to move all the plants I put in over the last 3 years.

move them or let them die.

not sure why i always get shit on. whenever i try to bring a little beauty in the world, fool myself that i am doing something good by planting trees, trying to improve people's mood by planting pretty flowers, someone always comes by and kills it.

an official, or just a fucking psycho that has god on his side.

i don't know why i bother. i would like to just let them bulldoze it all, but i can't. i can't get to that point of not caring about anything.

i got up early to mow the lawn. i barely see the point since they are going to come tear it all up in a few months. but i do my duty.

after i eat, i'm going to take my latuda.

i tried. i gave up.

9:48 AM - Thursday, May. 11, 2023


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