
true crime

Lately I've been obsessively watching things about the Gypsy Rose/ Nick Godejohn/ Dee Dee Blanchard case. I just found out about it. And it's so totally messed up. I am almost done watching the miniseries "The Act", but I have watched almost all of the trial, the police interrogations.

I usually hate true crime. I've got nieces that love all that serial killer stuff, but I'm just too empathetic. I like horror movies, but those aren't real. But for some reason, I am studying this true crime case.

I kept going back and forth, thinking this person was a victim, that person was a victim. The more I watched the actual trial, read their texts to each other, and the police interrogation tapes from when they first got caught, I've concluded that Gypsy Rose totally manipulated her boyfriend, Nick, into killing her mom. She tries to manipulate everyone she comes into contact with. You can say that's a result of her childhood/ abuse. But, I don't see her trying to change.

Yes, I even watched the interview Dr. Phil did with her in prison.

She got ten years, with parole in 8. Nick got life without parole.

I feel so very bad for Nick.

They say people with Autism have less empathy, but I think Gypsy Rose has NO empathy for anyone. It seems she's extremely selfish. She thinks the world owes her something because of what happened to her.

The texts that come up in the trial are freaky. I mean, she wanted to have sex with some random guy a few days before she let Nick in the house to kill her mom. She obviously was just using Nick. She didn't really care for him. And he didn't let himself see it. He kept texting things like, "I think I need you more than you need me" and things like that. But he believed her when she would lie and say everything was OK between them.

They really tried to act like Nick was some kind of perverted monster, but if you read the texts, almost ALL the sexual situations were initiated by Gypsy. She knew what she wanted, she got what she wanted, and when it all came back to haunt her, she played the victim card.

If Gypsy was male, and Nick female (if their roles were reversed, I mean) I don't think the sentencing would have gone the way it did. No one can seem to believe that a woman could manipulate a man with sex, even though it happens every single day. No one can believe that women can like kinky sex, either, I guess.

Not like anyone cares, but that's what I've concluded. At the very least, both Gypsy and Nick should be in mental hospitals, where they could get real help. Not rotting behind bars without therapy.

It's really not fair that Gypsy, who is already engaged to someone else, which is just sick, gets to go live a relatively normal life in a few years, while Nick, a guy with moderate Autism and other learning problems has to rot in jail until he dies. No parole.

So harsh! I hope he gets his appeal and they will help him out. Yeah, he stabbed Dee Dee 17 times. Anyone who thinks they aren't capable of doing something like that to someone else if they feel it's necessary is fooling themselves. People have done way to worse to more than one person, and they are out and about already. I don't know why he got such a harsh sentence.

Guess it proves that if you commit a crime, you best be a woman, so you can cry and play the victim card if you get caught. If you're a guy, too fucking bad. Even a guy with disabilities.

It's really complex. Everyone is to blame a little bit. Everyone is to be pitied a little bit. In the end, it all comes down to these two people didn't feel anyone would help them or listen to them. Maybe it should be a wake up call to society that we need to be more willing to help one another, to really truly listen, and to be able to show compassion as well.

3:45 PM - Thursday, Sept. 05, 2019


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