

There has been a lot of publicity about sexual assault and abuse against women. That hashtagmetoo thing. Famous women using their influence to encourage women to speak out about their assault.

I think one of the reasons that sexual assault happens so often, is that the man knows he will get away with it. So, yes, it's good not to stay silent.

And yes, women have been the niggers of the world for always. And yes, I did borrow that from a John Lennon song.


I guess the only thing I have to say is, that almost every single man I have ever cared for in my life has been sexually assaulted.

No matter how unacceptable it has been for a woman to speak out against her assault, it is getting better for that. Women can speak about it now. And that's good. Hopefully that will help it stop happening. That is what everyone hopes, right.

But it's still very unacceptable for a man to speak out about his assault. And it's just as difficult (if not more so) for them to get help after the fact.

So, that's all I am going to say about that.


People are for the most part disgusting, feral, insects and we don't deserve to live on this beautiful planet.

10:18 PM - Friday, Oct. 19, 2018


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