
skinny bifold

Got my bike back from the shop today. Found one at a yard sale, but it needed a tune up. It was just easier to take it in. Looking forward to trying it out. I'm pretty shaky, since I haven't ridden a bike in twenty years, but you know what they say about riding a bike.

Hoping to hop on the bike path down the street and go to the graveyard so I can practice going in circles before I actually go out on the road.

Also need a helmet. I can't believe with how over-protective my parents were about everything in the world, that they never made me get a helmet. Well, now I am old and don't want to squish my brain out of my ears. I guess I have just seen too many bad accidents involving people on bikes.

Will probably go to the army surplus and pick up an old war helmet instead of the usual yuppie style helmets you can get at say, K-mart. Then of course I have to paint it crazy colors and maybe glue things to it...think Pee-Wee Herman's bike helmet at the end of every episode.

And my bike needs a name. Just like a boat or a car. The forerunner is “Anarcha Sweetcakes” but I will have to think it over a bit before I settle. Sounds fun to say, “I'm going to take Anarcha Sweetcakes out for a spin.” Heh.

Husband's birthday is coming up. I would like to get him something this year, but something he will actually use. I tend to go for the practical gifts. I could make him a homemade shirt, but we have hundreds of t-shirts from my parents house so...that just doesn't seem great. It's been done. I've made him so many one-off shirts in this life. I don't even have an idea for one anyway.

I honestly don't remember if he did anything for me...we usually don't give gifts to each other. Fuck, I don't even remember my birthday this year. The year from bloody hell.

I am thinking a wallet. But, it's a big deal. The wallet he has, was given to him by his dad. It was his dad's wallet in the 70s and it's where he kept his badge when he was a cop. It's one of the only things my husband actually got from his dad that can't be classified as “sorrow”. It seems to mean a lot to him.

But...it's a piece now. Totally cracked. The stitches are all out. The bill slot is totally open on the bottom. I am worried cash is just going to fall out. I bought some waxed thread and leather needles to try and fix it for him... but my hands aren't strong enough to push the needle through the leather. So....

I've mentioned in the past that he might want to get a new wallet and I get the story of how it used to be his dad's and...

But, considering he pretty much disowned that fucktard this year, maybe he would be open to a new wallet.

But, he's so picky. I have searched ebay to find one that looks almost exactly like it with almost the same dimensions, but I am worried if I give it to him as a surprise, it will blow up in my face. I might just let him buy one of the ones I picked out, if he is OK with it.

Not quite the same as handing someone a wrapped up surprise, but we tend to shy away from surprises around here. My nervous system can't take it.

He has a bike and a smartphone now. Two things he said he'd never own. And he got them both in about a week. So, go for the trifecta and get a new MF wallet, OK?

The other thing is an air duct cleaning, which sounds dirty. But seriously. We need to hire some poor schmuck to clean the air ducts in our house. We gutted and disinfected the basement, now we need to clean the air ducts and maybe my sinusitis will heal up. The cleaning has never been done, to my knowledge, and there have been many people living here. Many pets. Many drugs smoked. And a guy died here. So...

I have to go to the store tomorrow. I really don't want to go to the store. I've been putting it off for about a month. Can you live off radishes and soymilk?

8:35 PM - Saturday, Oct. 06, 2018


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