
zak, nick, and aaron

Working on perfecting the 5-day weekend. Should make a shirt that reads “I don't fuck meat eaters” to simplify everyone's life. Having to defend self against raging carnists just proves my point. Man knocks on my door like a cop as if he has a purpose or a right. Next time I'll bring a gun. Living in the mad north north. Visitors think it's dark, but it's never dark anymore. Pink sky at night is a retard's delight. Everyone's scared of the dark that doesn't exist anymore. Record degree heat and polluted sky. Angry clouds and acid rain. No one wants to talk about the obvious. Easier to just pass the blame. We're all screwed. Watch the flocks of crows and pray they'll take you with them when they leave. Have another cup of coffee then. Why does falling back into bad habits feel so good? Everyone is disappearing when honesty gets too real. Cover your mouth when the gestapo comes a-hunting and you have to hide in the false wall to escape interrogation. Grasp too tight and you suffocate and die. Never one to judge, but what is one to do when safe spaces get corrupted and can not be retrieved? All signs point to yes. Outlook not so good. Weight on my chest like a 200 pound man in the throwes of passion. You play gypsy music and I don't stand a chance. Waiting for cheap jewelry from china. Waiting for the chance to do some ultra violence and get away with it. Waiting for the noise to stop because I can't make enough of my own. My throat hurts from screaming so silently. Have to go feed the cat.

11:28 AM - Tuesday, Dec. 05, 2017


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