----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fucktardism inc. Whenever I get sick, part of me blames myself. But this time, I really don't think this is my fault. They are replacing some of the wallpaper at work. When they peeled off the old paper, underneath was tons of mold. MOLD! They just sprayed it down with bleach. They let the mold/ bleach walls sit open for days on end while the fucktard they contracted to do the wallpaper got around to putting up the new paper. And now I have a sinus infection. It's not a coincidence. It's mold. Dangerous, disgusting mold. People come to this town from all over the world to be treated for mold just like what they exposed us to at work the last few weeks. Ironic, isn't it. I was so sick I had to take a day off this week. I honestly don't remember being this sick in many, many years. My husband said I should go to the doctor and get tested for black mold and sue my job. I don't believe the doctors would help me. Nor do I think I could get a lawyer to help me without the backing of a doctor, since those fuckers are hand in glove. I realized now the biggest difference in class is this: Laborers have to go to work no matter how sick they are, because their jobs are actually important. Laborers have no one to pick up their slack. Desk Jockeys can take as many days off as they wish, because their work is totally and absolutely unimportant. It will still be waiting for them when they get back. Sitting on their desk. No rush on when it gets done, because in reality, it doesn't matter if it ever gets done. It gives me little consolation about that. I'm still sick. I'm getting better. But I'm still sick. And really pissed off. I am so pissed off that I keep getting exposed to such toxic things and it's just la-di-da business as usual. This country is fucked. And I am just waiting for the carpet bombs to drop. I'll run out to greet them with a big smile on my face. 4:02 PM - Saturday, Mar. 11, 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |