
stay the fuck out of my house

I want to bring back the Earth Tone color scheme.

Most of my house was designed in the 1980s.

To clarify: my house was built in 1910 but somewhere along the line, they turned it into a duplex and all of the cabinets, wash basins, shower stalls, toilets are from the 1980s.

I watch HGTV when I am at work. I like to see the fixer upper type shows. The upcycling ideas, etc...Whenever some rich asshole comes across the kind of design like in my house, they always make a face like they are smelling fresh sick dog shit and say something like, “this is a total tear down”.

Not a fan of most modern design. White cabinets in a kitchen would only work well if you never cook anything. Or, if you clean all day every day.

Not a big follower of modern interior design. It's stupid. Wait 15 years, your design will be back. That's how fashion is, whether it's clothing or home décor or music...everything that could be done has been done and human beings are just shuffling things around to give it the appearance of newness.

Watched the season finale of Star Trek TNG last night. We just got that series on DVD and this was our first time watching them through on disc instead of VHS.

I was a kid when that show came out, a teenager when it went off the air. Earth Tones were really IN, in the 1980s. You can tell by the design scheme of the Enterprise. It's all earth tones.

I remember Gary Shandling's show, where they commented on how they liked his earth tone color scheme for his apartment. (That is a really weird show, btw).

I really noticed the colors of things in that last ST episode. It's a nice ending to the show. Better than most season finales, anyway. And that decor is comfortable. It's beyond familiar on so many levels. Not only have I see every episode of that show probably hundreds of times, but I grew up in that time period, where everything was earth tone. You find that stuff at thrift stores now. No one wants it.

Earth tones are calm and soothing and nice. Now they call things neutral, but that's not the same thing. Fuck neutral. Neutral means beige boring bullshit.

Went to sleep last night feeling comfortable. That strange comfortable buzz from watching ST: TNG before bed. Nodding off during the last ten minutes, and waking up in time to watch them do a little wrap up in the ready room or something. The earth tone colors on the walls, the sofa, the chairs. Earth tones are permanently wrapped up in my brain with Patrick Stewart's voice now.

He read lots of books on tape back in the day. It's not a surprise.

So yeah, since our house is already retro, I think I am going to go with it. I still want my crazy person depths of color here and there, but there is no way I am going to be painting my maple colored cabinets white. I am putting shiny brass handles on all the drawers. I am even going to put a Laura Ashley wallpaper border in my kitchen.

When someone steps into my two kitchens or bathrooms, I want them to feel like they just took a time machine back to 1986.

Got a problem with that...

1:58 PM - Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016


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