
resounding question

Lately I have been noticing how many things I save. Things that most people would save in order to show their children what life was like when they were younger. My parents have lots of things from their childhood in the 50s and their youth in the 60s and 70s that you never hear of in school or mass media and looking at them when I was younger gave me a better perspective of history.

But I don't have kids.

Don't want kids.

Have sacrificed a lot in order to never have to face that decision...

To A or not to A.

You hear people saying how much they sacrificed for their children, well, when you are smart about it, sometimes you sacrifice NOT to have children.

So, who am I saving all this shit for? These articles about Monstanto and Pagan rituals and grunge music and that poster I stole from the post office about when cable was switching over from analog to digital.

I don't know.

Part of me is hoping that one day I may have a relationship with all my endless nieces and nephews (of which there are dozens) and of course they are all breeders, so their kids as well.

Or maybe I will make friends when I get older or move to a new town or this or that and maybe I can share things with other people's kids.

Or maybe when someone finds me dead in my house after lying there rotting for 4 months someone will take an interest in some of my collected things.

But most likely it will all get thrown in the trash. Maybe donated to a thrift store if I am lucky.

I don't want kids, but I understand a little more why people do now. It gives their lives a false sense of meaning to have something to pass on to someone that shares their genetics. A mini-me, or so they hope.

In reality, in 3 or 4 generations, NO ONE remembers who you were. They may have a family tree with your name on it, but there's no one left to actually remember YOU. Everyone fades away to dust and ether and if you think you can stop that by procreating, you are a fucking moron.

You may be delaying your erasure from the annals of history by having a kid, but trust me, you will sooner or later become less than a memory of a memory.

The sooner you can deal with that, the happier you will be while you are still alive.

So...why am I saving all this stuff?

3:01 PM - Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2015


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