
the great consumer migration of 2015

How much do we all need?


Stop and ask yourself what your life would be like with this thing. Without this thing. Really think about it.


Think about it for minutes. Days. Weeks. Months.

How is life progressing without all this useless shit?

Living above the means after living for so long with so very little.

(Little, as in having to cash in change for food for the rest of the month and it's about two bucks worth and it's only the 6th of the month.)

But now living way, way above. Hot air balloon life looking down on the little speck of responsibility of adulthood.

Addicts shouldn't have money.

Addicts shouldn't have anything but basic survival.

Know your place.

Don't ever forget.

Not like they would let you.

Not on your life.

8:08 PM - Tuesday, Mar. 17, 2015


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