"No One Here Has A Bad Day"
Too busy to be of service to me held in tight backwards growth height shallow crush full blown desire in-grown aptitude squandered in the hallways. Menial mental red-faced bore call for help pause no help. Toxic sanitized for bulk enjoyment gauze wrapped pure white stains the black wedding gown. Bacteria forming foaming mouth rinse the repeat take a side. Rigor mortis setting in the soul linger scent of formaldehyde. Bleached the inside of my eyes altered patterns different lives want what you have not what you have to give. Impossibilities seem to stack floor to ceiling head to heart like a hoarder gone wild. Week to week making me weak too tired to get the pants below the knees change the sheets on another dream reality lost in the fog of not good enough for me. Nonsense application verbal aptitude perfect score in adding up the sums of a lost case head case just a case of the all-consuming heart. This is what you get. No one here has a bad day. Fake nice impressed upon the psyche to get the job done. (c) LBD 2013
3:45 PM - Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013
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