
which is right now

[i wrote this when i was under the influence]

To say to �revert to a natural state� refers to nature. Therefore, nature is at its essence original, as in, pure, as in basic, most primal, building block sense. When something goes back to what it was to begin with, everything else stripped away, this is what it is. Nature. To be natural is to be basic is to be the starting point. It can survive on only these parts. But, seeing the way we as a society, if not a species treats nature, isn�t being basic a bad thing? People who live more naturally, are more basic. Less made up. Less chemical smells, chemical food. Less refined look, more raw.� Unkempt hair is a sign of an outcast.� No wonder hippies and similarly minded people are looked down upon. They usually value nature, and aspire to be closer to it, even to the point of having it all over them Refined, un-natural people want to be as far removed from their essence as they can be. This, thereby, removes them from contact to their counter-parts, the counter-culture. To removed from your essence is un-natural, and therefore, wrong. We should be striving to be more basic, not more refined. You strip away layers of grime to get to the center, heart, of things. We�re going to get to the bottom of this. Inner most. basic. All you need is love. If you can survive on this, why do you take more?

(�Dirties��Rochester slang for a hippie).

2:30 PM - Monday, Sept. 28, 2009


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