
dead rabbit in the backyard

people with less, want.
people who have, want to keep.

there's always an imbalance. I think there needs to be an imbalance. No matter how idealistic it would be for everyone to have what they need, no more, no less, that just isn't the way we evolve. We only learn through suffering. It takes a lot of suffering before someone can learn from joy.

It's weird to think there are some people who are born having everything they will ever need, and they never lose that and they never really evolve. They just reproduce and die like insects.

i have learned to never say never. I'm doing things now I said I would never do again, but really, I will never have children.

Unless you include my art. My desire to reproduce is limited to what I can later choose to destroy.

1:09 PM - Monday, Sept. 21, 2009


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