----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you are what you eat I just found out Oreos are vegan. So are most of the Hy-vee (regional grocery store) brand cookies!!! I am hoping these will serve as a crutch to get me off candy bars and donuts. I am ashamed that I ever lost my mind enough to start eating that shit again. This society really has a drug for every occasion. There's not much point in living without a car if I am contributing to such horrible companies. All the degradation of innocent animals, the pollution from the factories, the waste from all the individually wrapped whatevers. I know that mass produced anything has these consequences, but I am not strong enough to be hardcore vegan right now. I admit I need some convenience. I did it for 11 years. That's pretty good. I don't know if I will ever be totally vegan again, as much as I wish I could be. I hope to be mostly vegan, though. If I lived in a more vegan friendly community, a more pedestrian friendly community, I know I would be happier, more like the me I want to be. These cookies, though. They are a good start. They make me really stoopidly happy. 1:30 PM - Friday, Aug. 21, 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |